VYBARâ„¢ Polymers For The Candle Industry


Innovative VYBARâ„¢ polymers provide solutions to your paraffin candle problems, improve candle performance, and deliver value that you will recognize. VYBAR polymers are hyper-branched polyalphaolefins recognized worldwide for their ability to improve the total performance and value of candles based on paraffin waxes. Five products in the VYBAR polymer family target the candle industry: VYBAR 103, VYBAR 108, VYBAR 260, VYBAR 343, and VYBAR 825 polymers. The physical properties of VYBAR polymers are distinctive and depend largely on the amount and length of branching. They are typically harder than other polymers and waxes of similar melting points.

Industry recognized benefits of VYBAR polymers in candle manufacturing

  • More consistent product
  • Increased plasticity 
  • Increased hardness
  • Increased opacity
  • Higher fragrance loads
  • Elimination of cracking 
  • Faster cooling
  • Elimination of oil bleed
  • Elimination of bubbles
  • Uniform dye dispersion
  • Fewer rejects
  • Reduction in surface flaws
  • Lower raw material costs
  • Mottling maintenance
    (VYBAR 343 and 825 polymers)

Typical Properties of VYBAR Polymers

Product Softening Point (°C) ASTM D36 (modified) Viscosity @ 99°C (cP) ASTM D3236 (modified) Penetration @ 25°C (0.1 mm) ASTM D1321
VYBAR 103 polymer
VYBAR 108 polymer
VYBAR 260 polymer
VYBAR 343 polymer
VYBAR 825 polymer

Recommended Performance and Usage Rate

VYBAR 103 and VYBAR 108 polymer
VYBAR 103 & VYBAR 108 is typically used in paraffin waxes with melt points greater than or equal to 58°C. This product is a common component of columns, pillars, tapers, freestanding decorative and votive candles. Addition rate for VYBAR 103 and Vybar 108 polymer typically ranges from 0.25 wt. % up to 1.0 wt. % in these applications.

VYBARâ„¢ 103 and VYBAR 108 Polymer

VYBAR 260 polymer VYBAR 260 polymer is typically used in paraffin waxes with melt points lower than 58°C. This product is a common component of container, votive, and tart candles. Addition rates for VYBAR 260 polymer typically range from 0.25 wt. % for candle formulations requiring no fragrance up to 2.0 wt. % for high fragrance load formulations.

VYBARâ„¢ 260 Polymer

VYBAR 343 polymer VYBAR 343 polymer is a product developed specifically for mottled candle applications. VYBAR 343 polymer is typically used in paraffin waxes with melt points greater than 58ºC. It is a common component of mottled and pillar candles and helps achieve the mottled look and more efficient binding of fragrance oils. Addition rates typically range from 0.25 wt. % up to 1.0 wt. %.

VYBAR 825 polymer VYBAR 825 polymer is liquid at room temperature. It is used to achieve and preserve the mottled look in paraffin wax candles.

General guidelines

Compatible: Paraffin, microcrystalline waxes, and vegetable waxes. Contact your NuCera Solutions Specialty Polymers representative or visit nucerasolutions.com to learn how our VYBAR polymers can help you achieve better results.

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